“Be the light that others can come to with their ideas, visions and dreams…. Never doubt that blending your talents with those of others can change the world”.
AlAnn Feldmann, musicgal225@gmail.com (email me ANYTIME)
Vice President:
Mary Ann Krumpelman, makrumpelman05@gmail.com
Secretary & Performance Coordinator
Terri King, tjk205@twc.com
Treasurer: Ed Puralewski, epuralew@gmail.com
Council Members at large: Gail Michalack michalacks@yahoo.com; Erma Clarke ermaclarke@aol.com; Dan Hamilton dulcimrdan@aol.com; Philip Cook revphillipcook@gmail.com; Lori Evans lannevans88@gmailcom
Music Committee: Betty Stoeckel stoeckelbj@zoomtown.com; Dan Hamilton dulcimrdan@aol.com; Ann Stanchina astanschina@msn.com; Janet Lucas veronakid859@icloud.com
Music Librarian: Becky DeBruler, badebruler@gmail.com
Membership and Club Information: Barb Farrow, bfarrow1@yahoo.com
Newsletter Editor: Rebecca Turney, rejomitu@fuse.net
Sunshine Committee: Sick, Sunshine needed & Prayer messages; Tom & Paula Williams littlespec@fuse.net; Karel Waidelich (assistant) Karelwaidelich@yahoo.com
We encourage you to visit for an evening or two. There is no age limit, and annual membership fee is $25.00 (family household).
Membership Coordinator: Barb Farrow, bfarrow1@yahoo.com.
Membership includes: “Loads of Fun” correspondence, membership activities, workshops, monthly newsletters, music and dulcimer instruction.