The Hills of Kentucky Song
Verse written for the Hills of Kentucky Dulcimers by Molly McCormack. Adapted from High Hills and Mountains by Jean Ritchie.
(D)There’s a place on this earth that is (G) dearer to (D)me
Than all of the cities of (E7)plea-(A)sure.
where Ken(D)tucky’s north hills come a-(G)singing a-(D)long
near a bend in the Ohio (A)Ri-(D)ver.
When (G)friends come together, (D)music abounds
Our dulcimers sing with the (E7)sweet ringing (A)sounds
(D)as we_ spread our love_and (G)friendship a-(D)round
the tunes float the high hills all (A)o-(D)ver.
Oh (D)Hills of Kentucky, your (G)people so (D)fine
your sweet melodies al-(E7)ways on my (A)mind
and (D)when I turn homeward my (G)heart breaks in (D)song
The (G)Hills of Ken(D)tucky are (A)where I be-(D)long.