Hills of Kentucky Dulcimers
“To entertain and educate our neighbors and communities with the beautiful music of Mountain Dulcimers and traditional mountain instruments”
The Hills of Kentucky Dulcimers (HOKD) have approximately125 members from Kentucky, Ohio & Indiana who enjoy sharing our love of music. We are a non-profit organization and rely on funds collected from membership dues and donations from performances. Our members are welcoming and would be delighted to have YOU join us for a good old-fashion Music Jam (traditional instruments welcome). While visiting our webpage, you will find detailed information about our meetings and how to become a member.
We love to entertain for events and large or small. Contact us anytime for information. Performance Coordinator - Linda McAtee linda.mcatee@yahoo.com “Let Us Entertain You”
You can listen to samples of our music and check out our two CDs, Hills of Kentucky Dulcimers and Hills of Kentucky - Jamming. Both can be found by clicking on the MUSIC link.
Don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We look forward to hearing from you!
Thank You, HOKD member, Elaine Caldwell for the photos you allowed us to use on our webpages. The locations and information about her photos can be found at the bottom of the first page of each main menu link containing one of her photographs. Below is one of Elaine's poems that speaks of the home of the traditional music HOKD continues to keep alive.
“Music of the Mountains”
My heart is in the mountains,
Where the trees are many and the wild flowers grow,
Where the streams are clear and the birds all sing.
The sunbeams shine after the rain drops fall,
Where death becomes life and despair becomes hope.
Where love shines like the sun and rain washes us clean.
Nature’s gift to behold with wonder.
Praise God for the mountains and all that’s within.
Poem and Photograph by Elaine Caldwell. Taken at Mountain View, Arkansas